About Me
And my Spiritual Process
Writing about myself or my work is not always easy for me. I'm good at relating experiences, but we are all so much more than just our experiences. We are also the perceivers and interpreters of our experiences. We are the expressions and the Beings that express. In writing about myself I have to access a part of me that is not limited by my experiences, perceptions or interpretations. For a long time now I have been in the process of becoming the most authentic person I can be at any giving time. That process is a long and arduous one, considering the many layers of conditioning that are impinged upon us, since the time we take our first breath of air in this world. It is sometimes very difficult to access the core of our truth with so much covering it up. In the course of this venture I have read many books, met many like minded individuals and have done many practices, and practiced and practiced and practiced. The most important person that I have met pertaining to my spiritual evolution is Maia Dhyan. She is my spiritual teacher and
spiritual mother. She appeared in my life at a time when I was ready to see, hear and understand the teachings that she offered. Of course, this understanding came at different stages. A spectrum of understanding, if you will.
TRUSTIn this world, it is the most
difficult thing to Trust. To know that you are taken care of in everyway. To know that there is something or someone there to catch you when you are falling and in mid-air. To fully trust another human being, with the many times that we have all been "betrayed" also seems close to impossible. Maia is the only person that I have been able to trust completely, in the context of my spiritual process. She has helped me to connect with my own source of The Universe that also abides in every one of us. She is that someone and that "source" is that something, that catches me when I'm in mid-air.
I strive to be that someone for the people that come into my life. I feel it's part of my purpose on this earth and what gives me a sense of fulfillment.
HEALING / SAFE SPACE I've always been a person that people come to as a sounding board. I've heard over and over, "I don't know why I'm telling you this, I never told this to anybody". Over the years I've realized that I have always been a "healer". To me, a healer is a person, that helps you to feel better just by being with them. You walk away feeling better than you did when you approached them. You feel understood or, at least, heard. Looking back, I realize that my life had always guided me to integrate this aspect of my personality with my life's work. Maia always emphasized the importance of creating a safe space for whoever came to do the work. "....unless you create a safe space for them, nothing will happen. A safe space is a space with NO
My hope is, that if you are guided to experience my work, that you will allow me to be a safe space for you. A place where healing is made possible.